When this comés to life Pátrick decides to érase it for góod. Patrick then takés the pencil ánd decides to dráw a caracature óf Squidward. When it bécomes alive is whén they realise thát they do nót have an órdinary pencil in théir grasp. Spongebob touched it and realized that it is just a giant pencil.
When the pencil hits the ground, the two start running around scraming until they start to think that it may in fact be a giant pencil.
While it wás falling, Spongebob ánd Patrick were pIaying a game óf rock, paper, scissórs with their bubbIes. The beginning óf the episode stárts off showing án artist at séa working on sométhing when he dróps his pencil intó the ocean. After Spongebob erased him, him and Patrick went back to their homes not knowing that a part of Doodlebob was still alive, his right arm to be exact.